81. Silver skin [ˈsɪlvər skɪn]:
Silver skin is the thin, papery layer surrounding the coffee bean, which typically falls off during roasting. It can affect flavor if not removed.
82. Slow roast [sloʊ roʊst]:
Slow roast is a roasting method involving lower temperatures over a longer period. It allows for a more gradual development of flavors.
83. Storage conditions [ˈstɔrɪdʒ kənˈdɪʃənz]:
Storage conditions refer to the environment in which coffee beans are stored, including temperature, humidity, and light, which affect bean quality.
84. Time x temperature [taɪm ɛks ˈtɛmpərətʃər]:
Time x temperature is a concept in roasting that involves controlling the duration and temperature to achieve desired roast profiles and flavors.
85. Turning point [ˈtɜrnɪŋ pɔɪnt]:
The turning point is the lowest temperature reached by the beans after being loaded into the roaster, marking the start of the heating phase.
86. Underdeveloped [ˌʌndərdɪˈvɛləpt]:
Underdeveloped describes beans that have not been roasted sufficiently, resulting in a lack of flavor complexity and a grassy or sour taste.
#1stCrack #2ndCrack #Airflow #BakedCoffee #roastingchallenge #roastery #roast #roasting #roastedcoffeebeans #roastedcoffee #roasted #underdevelopment #iocoffee #RoastAirTemperature #RoastColour #RoastDegree #RoastDefects #RoastGases #RoastLoggingSystem #RoastingDrum #RoastingProcess #SlowRoast #StorageConditions #TurningPoint #Underdeveloped